Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Last Bottle Of The First Wine

 Tertini is a winery which should be on your radar. Its home is the Southern Highlands. I reviewed some of its wines a little while ago. It is nice when there is a story associated with the wine you are drinking. Often it would involve you in relation to the wine. This one is different. This story writes itself.

I am drinking the last bottle of the first wine of Tertini, a 2005 Tertini Riesling. It was generously given to me by the winery. Amazingly, the colour of this high altitude wine is still green/golden after 15 years.

This is a remarkable wine. Citrus is prominent on the palate. The wine is still fresh, with lime peel and honeycomb flavours. Acidity keeps the wine lively, and on the back palate, lanolin or petrol flavours emerge. The mouthfeel is very satisfying, with this complexity. Love this wine.

Score: 95/+++

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