Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Standish Wine Company The Schubert Theorem

A week of indulgence kicked off with the 2010 The Standish Wine Company The Schubert Theorem. This wine takes branding to another level. First, the label. You cannot actually read anything. If you use a magnifying glass, you will identify a mathematical formula ( The Schubert Theorem, which is about knot theory and states that every knot can be expressed as the sum of prime (indecomposable) knots).


When you look at the back label, it has the regulatory requirements on it, but again, it is very hard to read. I am surprised Dan Standish gets away with it. As to the name, well the fruit comes from a Marananga vineyard which was owned by the Schubert family.

Barossa Shiraz has come under a lot of fire lately because of the wines often being overripe and alcoholic (more by critics than consumers). Dan Standish has largely avoided this criticism, because his wines, while very big, seem balanced and controlled. And so it is with this wine.

As I pour this wine, it looks like I pour black ink. I am worried. On the palate, there is a huge mouthfeel, there is black fruit, mulberry, marmalade, olive, but also vibrant red currant. The fruit is layered, and the wine has drive and acidity. The tannins are firm, and the whole package covers the alcohol well. This is a big wine, no doubt, but it does not feel heavy. The finish is perhaps a little thick.

Those that are skeptical of Barossa Shiraz should try this wine (it is $100/bottle). It is a great example of a well crafted wine in a unique Australian style.

Score: 96/+++  


  1. Hi Thomas,
    I visited Dan Standish at his winery in Autumn ( and it was still bloody hot) of this year to taste his wines. He was both gracious and generous with his time and his explanations to my somewhat amateur questions. It was a shame to leave really.
    The driveway passes these incredibly old looking twisted gnarly bush vines, which leads to the barrel room, which is built to impress, and it does.
    I was so impressed by his wines, I came away with a Lamella, Standish Shiraz and a Theorem. I did this so I could try them in a different non pressure setting. I always find this advantageous from a consumers perspective, if you know what I mean. I did say that a Grenache is not far away.
    While the stated abv is in the order of 14.5-15 % I couldn't detect any reference to the abv. Wine makers mastery at work perhaps?
    I've followed up with multiple purchases of the Lamella and at $100/bottle I'm more than comfortable with that price to the reflected quality.
    Even in Autumn, the general look of the Barossa vines was downcast and beaten. Their heads were down and suffering from a brutal Summer. It was quite sad to see in parts. Not quite sure what the future has in store iconic wine region ?

  2. Thank you for your great comment, Colin.

    It has been a few years since I visited Dan Standish. I think he is one of the stars of the Barossa at present. He can make big, full-bodied wines where you do not want to give up after the first glass.

    I find it important that these wines continue to exist, as they are uniquely Australian.

    I have not tried his Eden Valley wine, but must do so. Your comment has encouraged me to do this sooner rather than later.

