Sunday, June 23, 2019

Rockford Basket Press

If you are asked to name a wine which represents everything that is good about Barossa Shiraz, many would mention Rockford Basket Press. The 2010 is an excellent example.

This is a full-bodied wine. Blackberry, plum, mulberry and mocca flavours fill the mouth. The complexity of flavours is well balanced by smartly applied oak. The wine has energy despite its ripeness. The tannins are surprisingly fine, and really reveal themselves only on the long finish.

How would this wine compare with the Pontet-Canet I reviewed a few days ago? Both great wines, but I would give the Basket Press a slight edge. This is a more generous wine, without feeling too big.

Score: 96/+++


  1. Thomas,
    Certainly BP Shiraz over the last 10 years has become one of the more polarising wines in the market.

  2. I would definitely agree to "Rockford Basket Press". Does just what a great wine should.
