Saturday, March 24, 2018

Mauro Molino Nebbiolo

I have quite a number of readers from Europe, in particular France, but also Germany, UK, Spain and Portugal. Surprisingly, only occasionally do I have readers from Italy, although I probably review more Italian wines than wines from any other European country. Be this as it may, I enjoy Italian wines, and this blog is about the wines in the first place.

In particular, I enjoy the best wines from Piedmont. The problem here is that Barolos and Barbarescos are expensive. One way to overcome this problem is to buy wines denominated Nebbiolo. These are usually from younger fruit and have not had the minimum maturation period required for Barolo. This can actually be an advantage, as these wines are more fruit forward and less tannic, and if well made, are still serious wines. One such wine is the 2012 Mauro Molino Langhe Nebbiolo, from an excellent vintage.

This wine is still fresh, with red cherry flavours dominant. This Nebbiolo is not a very complex wine, but it delivers a good,  not overly concentrated mouthfeel. The tannins are dry and control the finish. Therefore the wine is best suited as a wine with food, in particular protein dishes. In fact, it works exceptionally well, then.

Score: 92/+++


  1. Dear Thomas,
    My name is Sara, I work for Mauro Molino winery. Thanks you for reviewing our wine, we have just read it your article.
    It's a pleasure for us that you enjoyed our Nebbiolo!!!
    If you are planning to come to Italy, you are the welcomed here in our winery.
    Best regards,

    Sara Cortese

  2. Thank you for your kind invitation, Sara. I have been to Piedmont three times and visited your winery once. I would certainly be interested to visit again on my next trip to your beautiful wine region. Thomas
