Saturday, February 28, 2009

2005 Bordeaux

My first taste from the already legendary 2005 vintage. Naturally, I have high expectations and I was not disappointed. I am tasting three wines from the middle of the quality range, I would say. They were rated 90 to 95 points and are available from about $90 to $180 per bottle.

Common to these wines is, as expected, excellent fruit ripeness. The wines are elegant and while already approachable will age very well. They all have roughly a 50/50 Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot split with minor quantities of the other varieties.

First up was the 2005 Chateau Haut-Marbuzet St. Estephe. This wine tastes of very vibrant redcurrant fruit. The palate has medium weight. The oak is well integrated and the result is a very elegant wine, which leaves you just a bit short changed with a relatively simple finish.

Next the 2005 Chateau de Fieuzal Pessac-Leognan. This wine has more upfront fruit focus and the oak is less noticable. Again,the finish is a bit simple.

The star of this line-up is clearly the 2005 Chateau Lascombes from Margaux. The fruit is blueberry and blackberry, nicely concentrated, medium weight and very elegant. The wine has a racy character and a silky long finish. - Excellent.

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