Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jean-Marc Brocard Petit Chablis

Chablis is the ultimate choice for a summer wine. My favourite producer from the area is Jean-Marc Brocard. In opening the 2006 Brocard Petit Chablis I was expecting the typical citrus and mineral profile from the area.

I was surprised to see a much more golden colour and a much fuller taste. Still, the wine is very linear and has great acidity to finish. This is Brocard's entry wine and I would recommend it over at least two thirds of Australia's serious Chardonnays.


  1. I love Chablis. Is the Jean-Marc Brocard expensive?

    PS Out of novelty value, have you been following the Stuart Magill TV show? I quite like it as an aide memoire to regional Australia / NZ...

  2. Thats 06 in Chablis for you - a big ripe and forward year that is quite un-Chablis like

  3. The Petit Chablis is less than $30/bottle, the Chablis about $35.

    When is the Stuart Magill show on?

  4. I think on Foxtel at least, Macgill has finished for this series. However, here's the episode guide:
