Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dutschke St. Jakobi Shiraz

Dutschke is a winery which I discovered a number of years ago during a trip to the Barossa. It was virtually unknown then and the wine maker suggested to meet at Saltram over lunch. He brought 4 bottles of his wines, and I remember this occasion very fondly.

Since then, its profile has grown, although the name is somewhat unfortunate, given it is the same as the leader of the revolutionary Red Army Faction in Germany in the 70s.

As with a number of Barossa wineries, my favorite wine from Dutschke is the second tier Shiraz St. Jakobi, which is less extracted than the top shelf Oskar Semmler. Last night I had a bottle of the 2003 Dutschke St. Jakobi Shiraz. The wine consists of dark, ripe fruit, quite dry, bordering on some dead fruit, which is not surprising for this hot vintage. The wine has good length and strong tannins, but the mouthfeel is not quite right. It is lacking some interest and complexity on the palate. Overall a bit one-dimensional in contrast to the wine I am going to review next.

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