Thursday, September 25, 2008

Moss Wood Cabernet Sauvignon

I was down to my last 3 bottles of the 1991 Moss Wood Cabernet Sauvignon. After last night, I have now two left. When I started to pour the bottle, I was worried. The colour seemed very brown and orange. However, as the wine settled in the glass, it adopted its usual dark colour. I let it sit there for some time.

The bouquet opened beautifully and what a stunning wine this was! From an acclaimed vintage, the fruit is still very lively, the soft tannins provide a fantastic structure, allowing the wine to hold up well. The flavours went on and on. The best Australian Cabernet I ever had? Possibly.

Huon Hooke wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald a couple of days ago about the reasons for the big price differences between French Burgundy and Australian Pinot and argued proven ageability as the major justification. My initial reaction was: well, I drink the wine only once, why pay for potential?

However, just having had this experience, I start to agree. Moss Wood CS is expensive. However, this flavour profile, youthfulness and elegance is achieved only by very few - worth the money (and the wait), in my book.

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